Calculators & App
In this section you will find access to a number of the FAI Calculators.
- P & K Calculator: This P and K calculator tool provides general guidelines for crop offtake and/or general agronomic advice for P and K application to grassland and arable crops in Ireland.
- For more detailed information, see Teagasc Nutrient Advice. The guidelines included for crop requirement and organic fertilizer value may result in recommendations that exceed the maximum N and P allowances on the farm. Fertilizer usage must be in compliance with Nitrates Regulations and other nutrient management legislation. This may constrain the rates of N and P fertilizer that are permissible relative to the guidelines shown by this tool.
- Convert Oxide to Elemental: Many fertilisers imported to Ireland will be labelled as Oxides rather than Elementals e.g. P2O5 rather than P or K2O rather than K. To ensure like for like comparisons are being made or when reviewing international nutrient recommendations, our Oxide to Elemental calculator can be used to quickly convert nutrients.
- Convert Kg/ha to Units/ac: For the precise application of fertilisers, it is important to calibrate fertiliser spreaders accurately. Our Kg/ha to Units/ac calculator will quickly convert between both units to ensure fertiliser spreaders are accurately calibrated to apply the appropriate rates for crop demand.
- Fertiliser Requirements: Our Fertiliser Requirements calculator allows the user to calculate how much fertiliser product will be required to deliver a specific amount of Nitrogen to a crop.
- Slurry Spreader Calibration: Calculate the precise forward speed required to apply the right rate of slurry to your fields.