
Mobile View: The data in the table below, is too wide for most mobile phones. To view correctly, rotate your phone to landscape view.


  • N = Nitrogen
  • P = Phosphorus
  • K = Potassium


  • 1 unit per acre = 1.23 kg/ha
  • 100 units per acre = 123 kg/ha
  • Make sure that you understand the precise nature of the recommendation. Kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) are different from units per acre.


1 bag of 27.5% N = 27.5 units N = 13.7 kg. N.
1 bag of 18-6-12 = 18.0 inits N = 9.0 kg. N = 6.0 units P = 3.0 kg. P.  = 12.0 units K = 6.0 kg. K.
1 hactre (ha) = 2.47 acres
1 part per million (ppm) = 1 milligram per litre (1 mg/l).

Conversion of traditional/imperial units to metric units

Rates 1 ton/acre 100 units/acre 1 unit/ton 1000 gallons/acre 1 unit/1000 gallons Kg/m3 (w/v basis) to kg/tonne (w/w basis) 2.51 tonnes/ha 124 kg/ha 0.492 kg/tonne 11.2 m3/ha or 11,200 l/ha 0.110 kg/m3 Divide by specific gravity
Length 1 mile 1 yard 1 foot 1 inch 1.61 kilometres 0.914 metres 0.305 metres 2.54 centimetres
Area 1 square mile 1 acre 1 acre 1 square yard 1 square foot 1 square inch 2.59 square kilometers 0.405 hectares 0.0929 square meters 6.45 square centimeters
Volume 1 cubic yard 1 gallon 1 gallon 1 quart 1 pint 0.765 cubic meters 0.00455 cubic meters 4.55 liters 1.18 liters 0.568 liters
Weight 1 ton 1 hundredweight 1 stone 1 pound 1 ounce 1 unit 1.02 tonnes 0.0580 tonnes 6.35 kilograms 0.454 kilograms 0.0283 kilograms 0.500 kilograms

Element to oxide

P to P2O5 Multiply by 2.291
K to K2O Multiply by 1.205
Mg to MgO Multiply by 1.658
S to SO3 Multiply by 2.500
Na to Na2O Multiply by 1.348
Na to salt Multiply by 2.542

Oxide to element

P2O5 to P Multiply by 0.436
K2O to K Multiply by 0.830
MgO to Mg Multiply by 0.603
SO3 to S Multiply by 0.400
Na2O to Na Multiply by 0.742
Salt to Na Multiply by 0.393

Quick Guide to Texture Classes

Assessing the texture of soils (Diamond, 2001)
Texture Sand/gravel
General Predominantly rough and gritty, porous Crumbly, neither smooth nor rough Smooth and silky or buttery Dark brown to black colour. Obviously of exclusively organic origin. Very low bulk density when dry
Ease of moulding wet soil Difficult to roll into a ball Moulds into a ball which does not polish or feel sticky Moulds like plasticine, polishes, and feels sticky
Mineral soil particles Large, individual particles visible Medium-sized Small, individual particles invisible Absent
Water absorption capacity Low (prone to moisture deficit in dry conditions) Medium High Very high
Workability Good in all weather conditions Good in all weather conditions Poor in wet conditions
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