Fertilizer Association of Ireland Publication Library

The Fertilizer Association of Ireland have a range of publications which are made available, free of charge, to the general public. This could not be done without the continuous support of our corporate members, Please support these companies at every opportunity.
These publications include:
- Scientific Meeting Proceedings - Our Spring Scientific Seminar is one of the longest running in the country dating back to 1968. Many of the papers and presentations are available from this site.
- Fertilizer Supplements - The Fertilizer Association of Ireland publish an annual fertilizer supplement every February in the Irish Farmers Journal.
- Technical Bulletins - Technical Bulletins have been published to inform industry professionals and farmers on important topics related to appropriate use of fertilizers.
- Informational Videos - Informational Videos have been created to guide users through the soil sampling process. These include sampling protocols, understanding test results and fertilizer planning.
- Industry Submissions - The Fertilizer Association of Ireland continues to engage with authorities on the future of farming in Ireland on behalf of its membership. This includes submitting feedback and proposals on draft legislation on Nitrates Action Programmes, Climate Change Development and Relaxation of regulations due to extenuating circumstances.
- Frequently Asked Questions - The Association has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to guide users through typical scenarios on farm relating to nutrient management.